четверг, января 25, 2007

the bird or the barber

we want any one reading this blog, probably by mistake, or because of a bad link, to vote now, leave your comments, to this question:
will this blog still exist in two weeks time
or in other words,
will dostoyevsky still be trapped in outer space or can he at last return to earth?

23 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

hi, i was just searching for a good stir-fry recipe and came across your site.

Nice picture.

Keep up the good work.

Анонимный комментирует...


jikajika комментирует...

I don't think Fyodor's coming down any time soon. I think he likes it up there.

Анонимный комментирует...

help! get me down from up here! its cold! cyber hyper space is cold! and i was promised flames, but all i received were remains! i was promised flames but all i got was a lot of nothing but nothing! doesnt a doestonaut have any rights!? i demand my freedom! vote me free! please

Анонимный комментирует...

how are things going down under, papa?

jikajika комментирует...

Good mate, good. 06 was a very turbulent year, but 07 looks to be considerably calmer. Or maybe I'm just becoming more confident in my ability to handle turbulence. I've got a few missions to complete here before I consider further travel, and a few jobs to complete before I rekindle them flames. I just moved into a new place, and all I own is a razor, a band-aid, and a sweat-band.

jikajika комментирует...

I should add: How are you, my good man? How is your Ukrainian peasant girl?

Анонимный комментирует...

very well, thank you, very well....were looking to get hitched this summer back in the republic of canadia, im going to go straight and get a job taking peoples blood...everything is very nice indeed, even max is behaving himself, max is a veritable gem of good behaviour

jikajika комментирует...

You're not actually moving back to Canadia permanently, are ya? Fuck me dead. That's a rash move. I'm quite certain Moscow can't exist without ya. I kinda wanted to go back there one day.

Анонимный комментирует...


Анонимный комментирует...

doodle-dee-do, whyka-whyka, ya, ya, ya, weehaa, weehaa!
googaa, googaa, giy, giy

Анонимный комментирует...

Tu es un imposteur et tu le sais bien, d'ailleurs tu me singes avec tes pulls bariolés !!!!!

jikajika комментирует...

Say mate, why are ya gettin married?

jikajika комментирует...

Don't be (too) frivolous, now. I'm seriously interested.

Анонимный комментирует...

love, pally-o, love...why else would anybody get married...?because the wisdom that is unchangeable is much superior to that which is changeable...i think anyone who loses sight of the purpose of marriage has probably lost sight of the superiority of unchangeable wisdom as well....i hope they didnt sell their unchangeable wisdom for something cheap like a whim, or laziness to think the matter over...though of course i can understand them even if they did...
nope, in any case, it all comes down to the excellence of unchangeable wisdom, and love.

Анонимный комментирует...

doododlee, dodo, doo, doo
whyka whyka
yu yu

jikajika комментирует...

Right. I tossed around the idea that it coulda been something to do with securing yer fiancee a Canadian passport, so that if yez had to flee Moscow with condoms full of black caviar in yer bellies, at least you wouldn't have to smuggle her in yer suitcase. But then I figured that you don't seem like the kinda fella who operates on the basis of such prospects. Still, if ya DO decide to smuggle black caviar, I could go a jar or two. Fucken expensive over here. As you probably expect, I reckon 'love' is a bit of a cop-out - woulda been much happier with something like 'a symbolic demonstration of our commitment to one another' or something of the like. As you probably also expect, I won't be getting married myself. Fuck, no God, no love, what's the point? If I'd been reading Camus lately I'd consider suicide, but I got side-tracked by Orwell again, and so long as I don't have to scrape loathly cigarette ends off the footpaths of Paris or London, I reckon I'm going alright. Anyway, now's probably not the time for a discussion of the merits and demerits of marriage, so let me just say that I'm delighted that you're in love. Tell ya what: if you post a photo of your love, I'll post a photo of mine. Max can play too, so long as he doesn't post photos of himself.

Анонимный комментирует...

but thats just the problem, man, thats the point of changeable wisdom, one day its camus' and one day its orwell's. i like both of them, and prefer orwell, but i wouldnt base my ideas of something really important on which one my mood had taken me to. anyway, i'll drop that...i agree with everything else, about posting and max....

jikajika комментирует...

You've gotta move pretty fast to keep up with me, mate. Orwell is yesterday's wisdom. Today I'm onto China Mieville, and generally thankful that I don't have a scarab for a head.

jikajika комментирует...

Sorry mate, I think I also meant: why are ya going back to Canadia to get married instead of gettin hitched in Moskva?

Анонимный комментирует...

she lives in canadia, pal...

Анонимный комментирует...

Is the wrongness of masturbation part of the "unchangeable wisdom"
you've come to find?

jikajika комментирует...

And will ya provide a heliotype or somesuch of yer love for me?